Article writers were previously associated with print media. Articles were only published in the magazines and the newspapers and such other published materials. Freelance writers still did exist but not in this scale. With the introduction of internet and such other facilities the wave of article writing became all pervasive. Every educated sphere was penetrated by the opportunities created by the industry of article writing. It gave the several units to make money. Websites, which require building information banks, require articles. Therefore there surfaces a need for article providers that is the article writers and utilizing this scenario other sites became the managers of this profound transaction. Sites are there who provide articles for those who require them. Sites also provide for the article writing jobs.
Now since we already know the tentacles of cyber world has spread like cancer, it would not be surprising for us to learn that there is software, which can provide you with all the needed help and guidelines that are needed. This lessens the work and saves the precious time of the article writers. Though this is a good content writer would be able to get better as he would now have all the needed help so that he could go about creating a storyboard. Not all articles writing software is as efficient in producing unique articles. What the software does is to spin the article in a different way, change patterns of writings and produce a new one keeping the content same. The reason why you cannot just copy and paste information from the net and why people use such software is so that their article passes the duplicate content filter.
Every site wants its info bank to have original and unique articles on various issues and provide authentic knowledge. The sources, which provide the articles, take up bulks of such orders and distribute it amongst the article writers working under it. The dealers as we can call them undertake orders of various ranges from two articles to a bulk of say 1000 articles. They charge a fixed amount of money as per the word count or number of articles. They also pay the article writers as per the word count.
The article writers mostly are part time workers. Those writers who work for article providers are given topics and a deadline. It is not always that they get a topic of their choice. So what they produce is based on the information they gathered on the topic from the web search. Thus not all articles can be called authentic. However the whole new vista of knowledge let open before us is all because of these information banks basically created by these articles and the researches done by them. It is because of this exposure to the various topics that human race today in general has become more considerate and tolerant and open to global issues and global ways of living. So it is the information in the web that people rely on. Article writers, your responsibilities have increased. It is based on what you write that people globally will form a view on various issues.
HG Nadel
is a self published author and writer; her writing skills are well- honed. HG Nadel works with children in their professional development. With over 30 years as a wordsmith, Nadel has mastered the art of laser focused writing to inspire, educate and call people to action. She offers a variety of classes like performing art, writing etc. for children.
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