HG Nadel

Blog Post

Book Reviews and How They Work

  • By Cedric Hitchens
  • 07 Jan, 2018
Now most authors know the phrase 'book review' and they probably have their own idea about what it means and how it works, but if your new to the idea then this is article is for you. Let’s start with trying to understand exactly what a book review is.

To start, all authors need and should seek out the feedback of everyone they can however there are professional and highly notable experts who provide just that, feedback. What they do is read your novel (review it) and share their opinion about the quality of your writing with you and the world.

Now we all know that we could just get our grandma or best friend to do the same however they are not a likely experts in grammar, spelling and readability let alone what customers of a specific niche wants and will pay for.

That in and of itself is worth the time and cost associated with finding and hiring a competent book reviewer. So what are the ways that an author can benefit from having a review?

  • Instant Credibility - depending on who you have given you a review (if they give you a positive one), will lend incredible credibility.
  • High Value - it’s one thing to get a testimonial from a neighbor but how would you like some raving feedback from someone like Jack Canfield? It's the company you keep that sets your worth.
  • Increased Sales - having high value testimonials on the front or back cover can easily increase your sales.
  • Open Doors - having an excellent book review can also open new and unimaginable opportunities.

Some professional and valuable places to find free book reviewers are; The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, The San Francisco Chronicle and The Washington Post Tribune.

HG Nadel is a self published author and writer; her writing skills are well- honed. HG Nadel works with children in their professional development. She offers a variety of classes like performing art, writing etc. for children.
For more reading, please visit here: http://hgnadel.strikingly.com/

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