HG Nadel

Blog Post

Developing a Reading Habit

  • By Cedric Hitchens
  • 13 Dec, 2017

Many people are innately good readers. They read a lot and grasp information easily. There are a large number of people who complain about problems in reading. Some say they lose patience while others find reading boring. Another group of people say that they can't manage time to dedicate themselves to serious reading. One thing is common among these people who make complains about reading. They just can't carry on reading for long.


Here are some simple recommendations by HG Nadel an author for developing a reading habit.


Read short news from the newspaper or in the internet. Short news is exciting, easy to read and not very time consuming. You'll see that even a bunch of short news readings won't bore you. You'll feel variations in the excitement they offer. Short news titles are very specific and quite appealing. This appealing nature induces the reader and sets hind mind automatically to read. Categorical lists of short news are available in many sites of the internet from where the reader may easily choose some among many.


Find your interest area. Who says you can't carry on reading for long? First, look for your taste. If you are interested in amusing stories why bother reading Hound of the Baskervilles? Moreover, many people get absorbed in unnecessary reading and end up with zeal. Often people unwillingly read and have spurious objectives. As it may help increase knowledge, all reading may be some sort of useful. However, just reading for no specific goal or benefit is regarded a waste of time and may create reluctance toward reading too.


Another effective way to develop reading is learn from experienced readers. Among your associates obviously there's one good reader. Ask them about their reading and learn from their experience. This would be a useful means to arouse the reading zeal in you. Ask them for some specific advice and suggestion for you. Probably their guidance would be beneficial for you.


Another vital point is, don't make your reading span narrow - broaden it. Many readers who dislike reading don't read various things. Thus, before they even realize that reading entails taste, they completely quit. Slackers at school levels often never read because they imagine all the articles or reading materials are alike critical essays which they have always disliked.


Do spend some quiet hours in reading. Don't think that just by glancing at an article or a book in the rush hours would help develop reading habit. Don't expect to develop reading habit overnight. Remember, reading is a hardship. It has a valuable return. Be caring toward reading. Allot some separate time from your life for growing reading habit.


Last but not the least, make comments on whatever you read and discuss the readings with your associates. Their reaction and response to your views would easily pull you up. When you discuss your opinion, you will soon find that you could also think, deliver, and argue. This would increase your confidence and encourage more reading.

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