Writing for some children, comes very easy and for some it will take hours to write a simple paragraph. Writing has developed into a very structured activity that has many forms. It tested yearly with either a school district test or a state administrated test.
How can you as the parent help your child prepare for this activity before or during their year school? There are many activities that you can do to help your child with their writing. Here are a few of them discussed by
HG Nadel
that will help:
Establish an area where your child can sit and write comfortably. If they have a homework space setup, this can also be used. Make sure they have decent lighting and a comfortable chair. Supply everything that they will need, so they don't waste time looking for supplies. When you do this for them it shows that you value writing and school work.
Reading books with your child will greatly improve their writing. They should also be reading everyday at home. There is a direct connection between reading and writing; reading helps your child with their writing. It exposes your child to different models, styles and genres of writing. It helps them think and shape their own voice as a writer. You also must set an example by reading yourself. Talk to your child about what you are reading and ask them about their books.
Provide your child with at least two reference books. Your child should have a dictionary and a thesaurus. If money is tight ask your child's teacher if you can borrow one form school.
When possible ask to read your child's writing. It will show them that you care and take his writing seriously. It will also let you monitor his progress.
Why not do the writing assignment with your child? This creates an opportunity to talk about, clarify and share ideas.
The use of a family journal will give everyone in the family an opportunity to write about the day they had, quotes they read, activities they saw and any other event. Find a place where everyone has access to the journal. Even young children who don't write can draw pictures about important events in their life.
When you buy games for the family, purchase ones that involve language. Buy games where you develop words, write definitions and use word building activities.
HG Nadel
is a self published author and writer; her writing skills are well- honed. HG Nadel works with children in their professional development. She offers a variety of classes for your child and along with dance classes there are also other creative activities available like learning music and if your child is interested in the same.
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